Revelation 11:15


Is being fulfilled I saw many Humans spirits in the new creation.

Leaders and other races of people.

I am glad that they have overcame the world darkness.

I am glad that they fought a good fight against wickedness and Satan

I am glad that they let the scriptures being fulfilled in their life, Matthew 5:3-11

I am glad that they let the Holy Spirit regenerated them in the body soul and spirit Titus 3:5

I am glad that they seek first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness Matthew 6:33

I am glad that they made it through adversities and is the presence of God.

I am glad that we have power to over come the world by the Spirit of God.

I am glad that redemption knowledge is increasing on the Earth.

I am glad that people are becoming spiritual to see the truth about darkness and the Light.

I am glad that people came out of Religions in order to see God and to enter His kingdom.

I am glad that their names are in the Book of Life

I am glad that they followed the instructions of God and the Holy Spirit to enter the New Creation.

About your website

our spirit have to pass through the 7 Churches realms to enter the Kingdom of God, Revelation 21:1-5.

From Romans 10:9-10 to Revelation chapter 21:1-5 can take some time to enter spiritually, on this website I will be sharing some insights about Redemption and Salvation, make sure you are reading your Bible and Learning from the Holy Spirit.